In 2024, nearly all websites need a privacy policy. And many also need a Terms of Use, Cookie Consent Policy and Disclaimer too. Termageddon helps you figure out which you need + even better it keeps them updated for you. Every time there’s an update to the laws, Termageddon auto updates your policies without you […]


July 24, 2024

Why We Recommend Termageddon

Instagram launched Broadcast Channels as a way for influencers and brands alike to build a deeper connection with their audience. It works like a group text that your users opt in to but the communication is one sided – it’s only from you. They can’t reply. The broadcast channel is a way for creators to […]

Influencer Biz, Social Media

April 11, 2023

Instagram Broadcast Channel: What is it?

Lemon8 is brought to us by ByteDance, TikTok’s parent company, as a direct competitor to Instagram. The app is #1 in the app store – so let’s look at those early cues for adoption – and it hasn’t even officially launched in the US yet. Lemon8 is basically if Instagram & Pinterest had a baby. […]

Entrepreneurship, Influencer Biz, Social Media

April 11, 2023

Lemon8: What Is It & Who’s It For?

The influencer space is changing. Brands are reflecting on the success of previous campaigns & re-evaluating their investments for 2023. They’re making sure their investment is seeing a positive ROI and the metrics they’re looking for are evolving. They are hesitating before they pay thousands of dollars for an instagram story and doing some real […]

Influencer Biz

February 20, 2023

What Brands are Looking for in 2023

You’ve heard both – influencer, content creator, you’re not sure which you identify more as, I mean don’t they mean the same thing? NO THEY DON’T. Let’s clarify the differences in the terms so you can get crystal clear on which one you are & own your title with PRIDE. First, the content creator. The […]


February 20, 2023

The difference between an influencer and a content creator

How to find your GA4 Google Tracking ID (G-#######) 01. Login to your account then navigate to Admin>Data Streams>Your domain. Click the arrow next to the domain you wish to track data for to access your code. 02. Look to the right of the pop-up window to find your Measurement ID beginning with G- then […]

Web Design

June 20, 2022

How to Find Google Analytics Tracking ID

If you’ve been following along recently, you already know why your email list is important. So let’s get into how to start & build your email list so you can make that money, honey. Step 01 | Join Flodesk Before you can start an email list, you need an email provider. This is a service […]


February 1, 2022

How to Start an Email List

You are a business owner now. You are bigger than that girl on Instagram posting OOTDs. You’re generating over a million dollars a year in affiliate revenue. Let that power sink in for a second. Because damn, girl. GET IT. See, you’re so much bigger than the #ootd posts that got you here. So it’s […]


February 1, 2022

3 Reasons Influencers Need an Email List

There’s some secrets you should keep. Or at least gate keep a little. What do I mean? Your community is so engaged, they buy everything you post, they love every outfit you style, they always want more more more. You like my hair? Gee thanks just bought it. [They] see it, [they] like it, [they] want […]

Email, Marketing

January 19, 2022

Secrets you should (gate)keep