You’ve gathered the 5 things you need before you even think about DIY-ing your website. If you don’t know what we’re talking about, go back a post and read the 5 things you need. Now that you have those, let’s get into our four steps to structure your website.
Create a list of all content you want on your website. Content dump. Grab a piece of paper, whatever, and write down everything you think you want to include on your site. Products, about page, your high school diploma (please don’t include this), all the things.
Review your content list and start to build categories by like content. This always reminds us The Home Edit, honestly this whole process is very similar to their process because organization is organization whether your pantry or your website. Ok where were we? Categorize your content. Group like things into like categories and see how many buckets you can come up with. Less is more here.
We told you we were following The Home Edit process here. Now go back and review your categories to determine your priorities. Think like a consumer here – what is most important and what does your user need to know first before they buy from you. For example, service providers they first want to know what you do, for who and maybe even where you are. How do you want the story to be told on each page? This organization will help you build a clear site that drives sales.
A site map outlines all the pages of a website and is one of the first steps in DIY-ing your website. This is where you bring your categories and priorities together to define the pages of your site. Pages that appear in the top navigation are numbered as 0.0 (always your homepage), 1.0, 2.0 etc and then anything within those pages becomes 1.1, 1.2. See example below.
Also, this feels like a good time to remind you we’re launching a website course to make DIY-ing your website SUPER simple, we’ll be your partner through the whole process & if you join our list NOW and join the first group we’ll even do a 1:1 homepage review with you and put our Good on Paper spin on things. Join the list