After spending the majority of her career at a top ad agency in NYC, Tiffany Chaplin and her husband relocated to South Florida (where they’re both originally from). Two South Florida agencies later, Tiffany realized no one in Miami was approaching advertising like she was used to in New York – they were focused on bits and pieces or the wrong pieces. And she felt there wasn’t a sense of community within the ad industry – granted she’s only been here 1 year now so maybe there’s a deep secret society somewhere she doesn’t know about yet but even then: why a secret society?
So cue Good on Paper.
It started as just that a good idea on paper. While Tiffany had thought about starting her own business one day – she didn’t initially think it’d ever be an agency. But then Miami called and she answered. So here we all are.
Good on Paper was founded for the brands that want to push the envelope and create cultural moments that drive sales. Good on Paper does this by starting with a well-developed strategy, a brand framework that informs the creative team as they begin to ideate. When key insights inform powerful creative, transformational moments are born. This happens at every touchpoint & it starts with your branding and your online presence (your website, your social profiles – these are the places people go first).
Want to learn more about Good on Paper and how we think? Email us today and let’s chat more.